
This week when the sun finally came out – I took a short walk through Strathcona to take some photos of the natural areas I wanted to document. Hopefully these will give you some ideas to gather your favourites!

Water in the Flats
In the False Creek Flats, a low point of pavement attracts a rain puddle which then attracts some gulls. Water always flows downhill!
Black eyed susans in the grassy fields
Fields of grass grow whenever there’s a space and wildflowers like Black Eyed Susans (Rudebeckia) sprout up all around, brightening up the green!
Mountain Ash berries (Sorbus) show up very well when all the leaves have fallen. The ground was covered with squished berries underneath.
This cottonwood (Populus) and evergreen has grown very tall on the edge of the Flats.
This cottonwood (Populus) and evergreen has grown very tall on the edge of the Flats.


Great shadow from bare trees design the house front!
Great picket fence with anenomes still blooming in November!
Great picket fence with anenomes still blooming in November!
A Japanese Maple (Acer Japonicus) shows its colours next to a blue cypress and a hidden house!
A Japanese Maple (Acer Japonicus) shows its colours next to a blue cypress and a hidden house!
The last roses of summer leave behind fat hips to eat!
The last roses of summer leave behind fat hips to eat!
Is there a interestingly shaped tree outside your bedroom window?
Is there a interestingly shaped tree outside your bedroom window?
Prior Street lined with a long row of golden evergreens.
What treasures exist in the back lanes behind your house?
What treasures exist in the back lanes behind your house?
Is there a special tree that you like in your neighbourhood?
Is there a special tree that you like in your neighbourhood?
How about the shapes made by branches?
How about the shapes made by branches?


Our favourite place - Strathcona Community Gardens - the oldest garden in Canada!
Our favourite place – Strathcona Community Gardens – the oldest garden in Canada!
When a piano is past its prime...use it as a trellis!
When a piano is past its prime…use it as a trellis!
The famous Starthcona Gardens heritage orchard
The famous Starthcona Gardens heritage orchard
Amazing fruit tree espaliers!
Amazing fruit tree espaliers!
The great trees over the garden
The great trees over the garden
And a majestic Cedar (Thuja Plicata) - still quite small
And a majestic Cedar (Thuja Plicata) – still quite small
The baseball diamond at Strathcona Park
The baseball diamond at Strathcona Park with a great view of the North Shore mountains.
The little bridge - where once a stream flowed. Strathcona Park
The little bridge – where once a stream flowed. Strathcona Park
Some trees know how to tell a joke! Do you have a favourite funny tree?
Some trees know how to tell a joke! Do you have a favourite funny tree?
Our favourite Lions - or as the Suqamish people say - "The Sisters"
Our favourite Lions – or as the Squamish people say – “The Sisters”
Cottonwoods at Strathcona Park
Cottonwoods at Strathcona Park
Trees stand proud, bearing their scars!
Trees stand proud, bearing their scars!
A special place - Schwaychays - a Place of Transformation.
A special place – Schwaychays – a Place of Transformation.
Fragrant Lavender
Fragrant Lavender
Leftovers from the vegetable garden
Leftovers from the vegetable garden
The Kiwi Arbour at Cottonwood Gardens
The Kiwi Arbour at Cottonwood Gardens
Beautiful, magical Cottonwood Community Garden
Beautiful, magical Cottonwood Community Garden – down the garden path!
The banana tree! In cold Vancouver!
The banana tree! In cold Vancouver!
Our friend the resident bald eagle surveying his territory!
Our friend the resident bald eagle surveying his territory!
Next year's young will be hatched here!
Next year’s young will be hatched here!


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